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Value of Forum Signatures in Google (Part II) 7 years ago

There is one thing you should keep in mind never use same anchor text on too many forums, like if you have used the anchor text in 200 forums then change it for other forums because it might look like auto postings or submissions. Forums signatures are good for traffic as well; if you have something useful in your anchor text people will visit your website. Forums signatures are counted as only 1 backlink, if you have made 500 posts in forum and you are a regular member, it does not mean you have 500 back links only 1 link will be counted as back link. Usually forums are good for traffic rather than backlinks, there is also one more thing only do follow forums will give you benefit of back link. If you have joined no follow forums then there is no value of signatures other than traffic you get from your signatures.

Value of Forum Signatures in Google (Part I) 7 years ago

Most of the people think that forums are useless and building links from them does not affect rankings. Forums signature can be useful only if they are from PR page, I have noticed Google or any other search engine gives very less value to signatures. Have you ever tried to check your backlinks? You will notice that none of forum signature will be showed up in results. However, forum signatures do counted as backlinks but only useful when thread gets older and it gets some PR. I have seen that if you place your link in post not in signature, search engines will count as good back link. Sometimes No Follow links are shown in Google results as a backlink when I placed the link in posts. Recently I was assigned to do 1000 forum posting on high PR forums. I have learned many things from that project; we can target the keywords through forum signatures. My client was asking to place the link on those pages which have gone through Google last PR update and it worked out pretty well. When I made posts on those pages they already have some PR3 to 4, some of the pages have low PR but it is also useful. When I completed the 500 forums postings with signature links I have seen the keyword I was targeting comes up in Google search on first page after 1 month.

Future of SEO – What Search Engines Demand? 7 years ago

There are so many questions about future of SEO? What will happen when Google changes all its policies? So many bloggers are writing that SEO has no future and it is useless to do SEO in future as search engines are changing their policies. Lot of people saying Bing don’t consider SEO techniques. I would say mostly people are just guessing and trying to make there blogs famous by creating wrong guesses. If you can see Bing does offer webmaster tools which are useful, and you can notice those websites are on No.1 position which are doing SEO the right way. Now coming to Google, people are saying Google has changed their policies. Google always look for unique and quality content, if you do SEO the right way you will get the credit from Google. And as far as future of SEO is concerned in Google; they are providing 20 pages pdf guide for SEO. If there is no importance why would they offer SEO guide? I was reading on very famous blog that SEO has no future and in the end writer said I am not SEO expert I am just telling my views, How would you believe on that? There are so many people who are just creating rumors to get famous. I have seen a video from Matt Cutts (Google Employee) in which he has answered what is the future of SEO in 5 years? If you consider Google, Bing and Yahoo they look for quality content. If your website or blog has quality content you will get the benefit from search engines. If you want we can also write college term papers online for you. I would suggest avoid the rumors from the people just keep doing the White hat methods which are defined by Google and followed by famous SEO providers. When there will be new update Google, Bing and Yahoo will announce and we will all know through different channels. There will be something relating to brand that Google will focus, keep yourself updated with Google blog and avoid the self promotion news from different people.